笠岡市 めがねと補聴器専門店・ツザキが お店の日常と 小さなまちでの活動などを綴ります


500,000P.V を迎えました

2010年4月からはじめて毎日更新してきた本blog【休石 やすみいし】 が、昨日ゆっくりと50万PVを迎えました。いつもお立ち寄りいただき、ありがとうございます。



This blog, which has been updated daily since April 2010, slowly reached its 500,000th page view yesterday. Thank you for always stopping by.

One of my goals was to keep updating this blog for 10 years or until it reaches 500,000 PV. There are two other things that inspired me to start, but let's keep them secret for a while longer, shall we?

I will continue again, thinking of it as a record from time to time, from tweets to hard feelings. I will try to prepare content that does not duplicate posts on other social networking sites as much as possible. Please keep in touch with us on Facebook, Instagram, and other social networking sites.